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Nike Athena 和 Nike Zeus 太阳镜,为运动员带来竞争优势

  • 2024/7/24
Front angled view of the Nike Athena (top) and Nike Zeus (bottom) sunglasses. Glasses sit on a white polished surface reflecting the glasses shadow. Both sunglasses are orange in hue with mirrored lenses that wrap the face.


  • Nike 推出全新太阳镜 Nike Athena 和 Nike Zeus,尽显前卫风尚。 两款太阳镜旨在供运动员于比赛前后佩戴,助其筑牢心理防线。
  • Nike Athena 从镜片到镜腿均采用镜面设计,旨在向不对称设计和无畏表达致敬。
  • Nike Zeus 形似面罩且佩戴时贴近面部,设计灵感源自传统穴位和“疾速”外观,彰显出 Nike 对速度的不懈追求。
  • Nike Athena 和 Nike Zeus 将于 7 月 24 日在全球 Nike 数字平台发售。

时尚有型, 自信倍增, 高能应战。

Nike Athena 和 Nike Zeus 太阳镜秉持以上设计理念,旨在供运动员于比赛前后佩戴,不论是赛场防护还是展现自我, 都能助其筑牢心理防线。

“虽然我们起初致力于打造比赛专用产品,但我们从运动员那里了解到,他们在比赛前后都需要建立心理优势。”Nike 首席创新官约翰·霍克 (John Hoke) 说道, “能够完全进入状态、做到心无旁骛,这对运动员来说至关重要。”

Nike Athena 和 Nike Zeus 太阳镜采用未来主义设计,适合各种性别,立足前沿响应运动员洞察,不仅让运动员从竞争对手中脱颖而出,同时也尽显其个性风范。 两款太阳镜开创了数字艺术服务于运动员的新境界,在拓展 Nike 美学视野的同时,也体现了对体育运动未来的不同展望。

Nike Athena 从镜片到镜腿均采用镜面设计,同时缀以耐克「电掣」系列图案,旨在向不对称设计和无畏表达致敬。 无螺丝设计、超声波粘合和不锈钢镜腿(臂),打造轻质镜架,拉远镜片与面部的间距,帮助避免因太阳镜扁平导致的睫毛与镜片的碰触。

Nike Zeus 则采用棱角分明的科技感外观, 将五个半透明元素巧妙融入轻盈非凡的手工钛镜架,其设计灵感源自传统穴位和“疾速”外观,彰显出 Nike 对速度的不懈追求。 Nike Zeus 升级 Nike Windshield Elite 360 创新透气设计,形似面罩且佩戴时贴近面部,以繁复的凹槽打孔设计提升空气流通效果,有助于消除鼻子和颧骨周围的热量积聚,保持眼部区域凉爽。

两款太阳镜都采用了 Nike Max Extreme 镜片技术,可充分提高光学清晰度,在跑道、球场和公路地面上有效缓解视觉疲劳。 此外还采用再生材料;Nike Athena 和 Nike Zeus 分别融入至少占总重量 40% 和 20% 的再生材料。

Nike Athena 和 Nike Zeus 太阳镜将于 7 月 24 日在全球 Nike 数字平台发售。

Nike Athena 和 Nike Zeus 太阳镜

Front angled view of the Nike Athena (top) and Nike Zeus (bottom) sunglasses. Glasses sit on a white polished surface reflecting the glasses shadow. Both sunglasses are orange in hue with mirrored lenses that wrap the face.
Front angled view of the Nike Athena (bottom) and Nike Zeus (top) sunglasses. Glasses sit on a white polished surface reflecting the glasses shadow. Both sunglasses are orange in hue with mirrored lenses that wrap the face.
Front view of Nike Zeus sunglasses, which is mask-like. Lenses are iridescent orange and wrap around. The lens continues over the bridge of the nose and the iridescent orange fades to yellow and then to blue and purple. Glasses float on a white background.
Side view of the Nike Zeus sunglasses, showcasing the wrapping orange lenses, fluted perforations on nose, and the titanium frame. Translucent orange lenses over the eyes shifts to transluscent green and blue over the nose. Glasses float on a white background.
Detail view of Nike Zeus sunglasses focuses showcasing fluted perforations on the nose and cheekbone area. Translucent orange lenses shift to translucent green and blue over the nose. The glass frame is angular and dark titanium in color. Glasses float on a white background.
Front angled view of the Nike Athena sunglasses, showcasing the wrapping asymmetrical mirrored orange lens with Electric graphic at the temples. Electric graphic is a pattern of brown/black speckled spots.   Glasses float on a white background.
Front view of Nike Athena sunglasses highlighting the asymmetrical nature of the mirrored orange glass lens that wraps from front to the temple. Electric grpahic appears at the temples, which is a pattern of brown/black speckled spots. Glasses float on a white background.
Side view of the Nike Athena sunglasses, showcasing the wrapping asymmetrical mirrored orange lens with Electric graphic at the temples. Electric graphic is a pattern of brown/black speckled spots.   Glasses float on a white background.
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