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美国女子篮球队第 10 次夺得奥运金牌

  • 2024/8/11

今天在巴黎举行的激烈决赛中,美国女子篮球队险胜对手,连续第 8 次,也是累计第 10 次夺得奥运金牌。 

美国队阵容强大,汇集 8 位 WNBA 总冠军、3 位 WNBA MVP 和 5 位 WNBA 年度最佳新秀。对于奥运金牌,她们向来志在必得。

后卫戴安娜·陶乐西率领球队过关斩将,她自 2004 年加入美国队以来,已赢得 6 枚奥运金牌。 戴安娜·陶乐西表示:“有些人之所以能赢,是因为他们拥有胜者的心态,并且每天带着这样的心态走进更衣室和训练场。” 

Nike 签约球员阿贾·威尔逊与戴安娜·陶乐西及队友布兰妮·格里纳一样,曾斩获世锦赛金牌、奥运金牌、NCAA 冠军和 WNBA 总冠军,而目前仅有 12 位球员同时获得过这些殊荣。阿贾·威尔逊场均贡献 18.2 分、9.6 个篮板和 2.2 次助攻。 “在奥运会上,你每天都在努力争取胜利。 金牌是一个实实在在的证明,让大家知道‘我赢了’。 但那些小回合的争夺、训练中的拼搏,比赢得金牌要难十倍。”她这样说道。

首次参加奥运会的 Nike 签约球员萨布丽娜·约内斯库在六场比赛中均担任首发控卫,场均贡献 6.6 分、1.8 个篮板和 3.4 次助攻,拿下了她的首枚奥运奖牌。 萨布丽娜·约内斯库表示:“事事争第一,我一直都是这样。 为了赢,我可以拼尽一切。“ 

阿贾·威尔逊和萨布丽娜·约内斯库都是 Nike Athlete Think Tank 的成员。该团体由一群具有影响力并积极发声的运动员组成,旨在为公司提供经验见解,以此更好地支持女性和女孩参与体育运动,为创新产品的开发提供相关信息,并创造有意义的体验。  


Black and white close up of Aja Wilson, looking back at the camera over her shoulder.
Black and white photo of Aja Wilson wearing her Team USA basketball jersey. She looks down fiercely at the camera.
Horizontal poster format. On the left, a black and white photo of Aja Wilson looking directly at the camera. On the right, a headline reads, "I love winning for my haters." appearing in black against a red background.
Video look of Aja Wilson saying "Nah" and shooing away a competitor on the court. She wears a red Team USA basketball jersey.
Black and white full body image of Sabrina Ionescu celebrating on the basketball court. She wears her Team USA uniform and her hair is flying out behind her.
Black and white portrait of Sabrina Ionescu in the Sabrina reversible basketball jacket. She looks directly at the camera with her arms crossed.
Horizontal poster format. On the left is a black and white image of Sabrina Ionescu celebrating in her Team USA jersey. On the right, a headline reads, "I'm single-minded. The only thing on my mind is gold." appearing in white letters on a blue background.
Diana Taurasi holds her hands high, with six fingers raised, signaling her 6 gold medals. Diana wears a read Team USA jersey, and a crowd looks on behind her.
Horizontal poster format. A black and white photo of Diana Tuarasi holding her hands high is layered with red headlines reading, "Can't spell dynasty without DT." and "44 - 0".
Vertical poster layout, featuring a black and white close up of Diana Tuarasi wearing the Team USA basketball jersey. Her face is flanked by red headlines reading, "Can't spell dynasty without DT." and "44 - 0"
Square poster format. A black and white close up of Diana Tuarasi in her Team USA basketball jersey is layered with red headlines reading, "Can't spell dynasty without DT." and "44-0"
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