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  • 2024/8/11

今日,Nike 运动员西凡·哈桑在女子马拉松比赛的最后几分钟甩开其他三位选手,以  2:22:55 的成绩获得金牌。

这是她在巴黎奥运会上获得的第三枚奖牌,她在 8 月 5 日的 5,000 米比赛和 8 月 9 日的 10,000 米比赛中获得铜牌。 她是自捷克跑步运动员埃米尔.扎托佩克 (Emil Zátopek) 在 1952 年赫尔辛基夏季奥运会上横扫三项冠军以来,首位在奥运会三个项目中创下辉煌战绩的中长跑运动员。

“跑步的时候,有时感觉很棒……有时感觉很糟糕,感觉自己无法继续跑下去,”这位 31 岁的荷兰运动员说道。 “生活也是如此,正是起起伏伏才让生活变得精彩。” 

截至 7 月底,这位全能型跑步运动员在女子 1,500 米项目中排名第 22,在 5,000 米项目中排名第 7,在 10,000 米项目中排名第 9,在马拉松项目中排名第 2。

2021 年,她成为奥运会历史上唯一一位在同一届奥运会上斩获 1,500 米、5,000 米和 10,000 米奖牌的运动员。 

去年秋天,西凡以历史第二快的女子马拉松成绩 (2:13:44) 夺得 2023 芝加哥马拉松冠军。

Nike 运动员:西凡·哈桑

Side by side photos of Sifan Hassan taken at night. On the right, she looks back over her shoulder, wear navy running shorts and top, arm warmers, and a bright blue headband.  On the left, the photo has a blurred effect, while Sifan runs.
Sifan Hassan bends forward to tied her Nike running shoe pre race. She wears a black beanie, a longsleeve warmup top, and high white socks.
Full body portrait of Sifan Hassan holding her arms up in victory after winning a race. Sifan is in Nike running shoes, high white socks, blue running shorts, and a blue and white patterned singlet.
Close up of Sifan Hassan wearing a white Nike running top. She adjusts a white Nike headband over her braided hair.
Close up head shot of Sifan Hassan wearing a white Nike headband with a black Swoosh.  Sifan's face is partially in shadow.
Close up side view of Sifan Hassan's face. She wears a white Nike headband and looks to the right.
Full body view of Sifan Hissan running on a road. She is in a white Nike running top, blue shorts, Nike running shoes, and high white socks. Barriers edge the road and there is a city silhouette in the background.
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