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Nike 携手蓬皮杜艺术中心,共庆巴黎体育盛事

  • 2024/7/13
The transformed Nike Au Centre Pompidou’s iconic façade features a canvas that showcases groundbreaking stories of sport. Screen features repeating image of Eliud Kipchoge on bright red and yellow colors, which pops out against the cityscape and a cloudy blue Paris sky.


  • Nike 将与巴黎著名地标蓬皮杜艺术中心合作,庆祝体育与文化,致敬双方在创新历史上的深厚渊源。
  • Nike 将于 7 月 24 日开设“Art of Victory”(胜利的艺术)展览,庆祝 Nike Air 经久不熄的创新历程,展览选址正是近 40 年前启发了 Air Max 1 颠覆性设计的地方。
  • Nike 将把蓬皮杜艺术中心标志性的外立面变成展示体育运动突破性故事的画布,同时这个巴黎地标性的户外空间也将举办一系列面向公众的运动体验活动。

今夏,当世界精英运动员齐聚巴黎时,Nike 也将携手该市传奇地标“蓬皮杜艺术中心”,庆祝体育与文化,致敬双方在创新历史上的深厚渊源。

Nike 将于 7 月 24 日在蓬皮杜艺术中心开设“Art of Victory”展览,庆祝 Nike Air 经久不熄的创新历程,展览选址正是近 40 年前启发了 Air Max 1 颠覆性设计的地方。 除了展览外,Nike 还将把蓬皮杜艺术中心标志性的外立面变成展示体育运动突破性故事的画布,同时这个巴黎地标性的户外空间也将举办一系列面向公众的运动体验活动。

“我认为这个合作传递的信息是,当你有一个好主意时,就大胆去做。”汀克·哈特菲尔德 (Tinker Hatfield) 说道。当年,汀克从蓬皮杜艺术中心内部结构外露的建筑风格中汲取灵感,开创性地在 Air Max 1 的设计中融入 Air 缓震系统可视技术。 他表示:“大胆尝试,敢于冒险。 至少要有一些突破性,让人们注意到你的努力。 我认为这对于这座建筑和 Air Max 1 来说都是如此。 技术固然重要,但正是这种大胆的举动和颠覆性的精神才引起所有人的关注。” 

在蓬皮杜艺术中心外,Nike 将通过沉浸式体验让参观者发现外立面上的开创性运动故事,这一大胆的展现形式让人联想到 2017 年 Nike 在蓬皮杜艺术中心举办的 Air Max 1 三十周年庆祝活动。 

同时,由法国艺术家拉斐尔·扎卡 (Raphael Zarka) 设计、建筑师让·伯努瓦·维蒂亚尔 (Jean-Benoît Vétillard) 合作完成的公共滑板雕塑“Cycloïde Piazza”(2024),在蓬皮杜艺术中心的委托和 Nike 的支持下,邀请公众以全新的方式与艺术互动。


“Art of Victory”展览将于 7 月 24 日至 8 月 11 日在巴黎市中心的蓬皮杜艺术中心举行。 前往 Paris.nike.com 注册观看展览,详细了解蓬皮杜艺术中心外举办的活动。 展览期间,26 岁以下的参观者可以免费参观蓬皮杜中心的展览和永久藏品。


自 1977 年以来,蓬皮杜艺术中心一直融合不同艺术形式和观众的需求呈现丰富的节目。 其标志性建筑内拥有世界上最大规模的现代和当代艺术藏品之一,此外,还可举办展览、研讨会、节庆、表演、放映和青少年工作坊等活动。这使得蓬皮杜中心成为一座深深扎根于巴黎、面向世界和创新的无与伦比的艺术机构。

如需了解更多信息,请访问 centrepompidou.fr

Nike 携手蓬皮杜艺术中心共庆巴黎体育盛事

The transformed Nike Au Centre Pompidou’s iconic façade features a canvas that showcases groundbreaking stories of sport. Screen features repeating image of Eliud Kipchoge on bright red and yellow colors, which pops out against the cityscape and a cloudy blue Paris sky.
Promotional poster for Nike Au Centre Pompidou Art of Victory Exhibit, Volt green words against the Electric pattern background, orange with black/blue speckled spots.
Promotional graphic combines three images. On the left, Sha'Carri Richardson looks determinedly to the right in a black running tank. In the center, black lettering reads Nike Au Centre Pompidou, Art of Victory. On the right, an innovative track spike featuring Air technology floats. All elements sit against an Electric pattern background, orange with blue/black speckled spots.
The Cycloid Piazza skate park, designed by Raphael Zarka, sits in front of the Nike Au Centre Pompidou in Paris, France.
Entrance to the Gallery 4, Art of Victory exhibit, inside the Nike Au Centre Pompidou in Paris, France. Footwear is displayed on grey walls, backlit with white lights. A Nike Swoosh and the word AIR is emblazoned on the floor.
Inside of Gallery 4, Art of Victory exhibity, within the Nike Au Centre Pompidou in Paris, France. Grey walls, backlit with white lighting, display Air units and Nike footwear featuring Air technology. A glowing orange door leads to another exhibit room.
Detail view of a wall within the Art of Victory exhibit in Gallery 4 of the Nike Au Centre Pompidou, located in Paris, France. The glowing orange wall showcases the words Art of Victory in bold, black lettering along with a black Nike Swoosh.
Inside of Gallery 4, within the Nike Au Centre Pompidou, there are a dozen glowing white display cabinets showcasing innovative Nike footwear featuring Air technology. Images of Sha'Carri Richardson in different phases of a sprint, appear on 3 walls of the room.
Inside of Gallery 4, within the Nike Au Centre Pompidou, there are a dozen glowing white display cabinets showcasing Innovative footwear designs featuring Air technology. All products are white with a black Nike Swoosh, and Air units are in bright orange. On the 3 walls, we see blown up photos of innovative designs floating against a white background.
Detail view of the glowing display cabinets inside of Gallery 4, Nike Au Centre Pompidou. A single footwear design sits above each glass cabinet, with other footwear and Air technology elements displayed inside. All product is white with black Swoosh, featuring bright orange Air units. The wall behind the cabinets showcases a large image of an innovative design with a bright orange Air unit spiraled completely around the shoe.
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