Nike Athlete Think Tank 宣布第三批成员,携手精英教练助力女性体育运动

  • 2024/6/6
Nike's Athlete Think Tank that includes athletes Alex Morgan, Alice Dearing, Kiki Rice, Laurie Hernandez, Nelly Korda, Oksana Masters, Romane Dicko, Sky Brown, Tunde Oyeneyin and Yulimar Rojas, as well as coaches Emma Hayes, Jenny Lang Ping, Dawn Staley and Diljeet Taylor.
Nike's Athlete Think Tank that includes athletes Alex Morgan, Alice Dearing, Kiki Rice, Laurie Hernandez, Nelly Korda, Oksana Masters, Romane Dicko, Sky Brown, Tunde Oyeneyin and Yulimar Rojas, as well as coaches Emma Hayes, Jenny Lang Ping, Dawn Staley and Diljeet Taylor.


  • Nike Athlete Think Tank 已进入成立的第三年,此次团队新纳入 10 名女性运动员和 4 名精英女性教练。
  • Athlete Think Tank 旨在重新定义运动员合作模式,倾听最高水平体育运动中女性运动员的心声,这也反映了 Nike 对其承诺的切实履行。
  • Nike 将借助 Athlete Think Tank 持续对与运动员息息相关的社区和组织进行投资,通过体育运动推动积极变革。 今年,Nike 将向 Athlete Think Tank 成员所选择的组织捐赠 170 万美元。

Nike 一如既往践行对倾听运动员心声的长期承诺,这是 Nike 价值观的核心所在。 在过去的三年中,Nike 不断吸纳全球精英女性运动员加入 Athlete Think Tank,并向其学习经验知识,以此将这一承诺付诸行动。

现在,新一批 Athlete Think Tank 成员首次纳入了来自最高水平体育运动的精英教练。 教练的加入反映了前几批 Athlete Think Tank 团队成员的重要观点:要为运动员提供支持,就必须为教练提供支持,必须倾听教练们的想法,并且满足她们的独特需求。

第三批 Athlete Think Tank 成员包括运动员阿莱克斯·摩根、爱丽丝·迪林、奇奇·赖斯、劳丽·埃尔南德斯、内莉·科达、奥克萨娜·马斯特斯、罗曼·迪科、斯凯·布朗、通德·欧耶宁和尤利马尔·罗哈斯,教练艾玛·海耶斯、郎平、唐·斯特丽和迪尔吉特·泰勒。

Nike 全球女性体育营销副总裁塔尼娅·赫维兹达克 (Tanya Hvizdak) 说:“除了成就非凡的运动员,第三批 Athlete Think Tank 还纳入了本时代的一些杰出教练。” “要通过体育运动推动积极变革,就必须倾听运动员和教练的心声。 我很期待她们所带来的想法和观点,以及我们如何携手合作,将这些想法和观点付诸实践。” 

在过去的三年里,Athlete Think Tank 的运动员和教练齐心共济,一同分享她们的见解、想法和愿景,力求为体育运动创造更加公平的未来。 这种关系能够持续为 Nike 提供助力,帮助 Nike 重新定义运动员合作模式,使其成为一种倡导开诚布公、深入倾听并合作解决问题的双向承诺。 这也催生出全新的 Nike 产品系列和运动员服务,并为代表着运动员热情所在的社区组织提供了鼎力支持。

为了助力女性冲破藩篱,帮助其参与体育运动并取得成就,Nike 将继续投资 Athlete Think Tank 相关的社区组织。 今年,品牌将向团队成员所选择的非营利组织捐赠 170 万美元。

资金将分配给 Social Impact Fund、Central Carolina Community Foundation、Make Life Skate Life 和 Charities Aid Foundation America 等组织,旨在通过体育运动推动积极变革。 自 Athlete Think Tank 成立以来,Nike 总共以该计划的名义向社区组织投资了 440 万美元。

Athlete Think Tank 第三批成员、 美国国家女子足球队教练 艾玛·海耶斯表示:“Nike 致力于投资社区,并切实履行倾听女性运动员心声的承诺,展现出品牌对 Athlete Think Tank 团队成员以及参与不同水平运动的女性和女孩们的大力支持。” “我们拥有推动变革的条件,这能为下一代的运动员和教练带来实质性的改变。 这非常鼓舞人心,令人充满动力。”

Athlete Think Tank 将继续保持这股发展势头,在今年下半年组建第四批运动员和教练团队。

Nike Athlete Think Tank 宣布第三批成员,携手精英教练助力女性体育运动

Nike's Athlete Think Tank that includes athletes Alex Morgan, Alice Dearing, Kiki Rice, Laurie Hernandez, Nelly Korda, Oksana Masters, Romane Dicko, Sky Brown, Tunde Oyeneyin and Yulimar Rojas, as well as coaches Emma Hayes, Jenny Lang Ping, Dawn Staley and Diljeet Taylor.
Athlete Think Tank members pose for a photo during a summit in Laguna Beach, Calif. Pictured clockwise from top left are Diljeet Taylor, Romane Dicko, Jenny Lang Ping, Yulimar Rojas, Sky Brown, Emma Hayes and Alice Dearing.
Romane Dicko, a judoka and member of Athlete Think Tank’s third cohort, is pictured at an ATT summit in Australia.
Emma Hayes, U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team coach and a member of the third Athlete Think Tank cohort, is pictured at an ATT summit in Australia.
Alice Dearing and Romane Dicko, members of Athlete Think Tank’s third cohort, are pictured at an ATT summit in Australia.
Alex Morgan and Emma Hayes, both members of Athlete Think Tank’s third cohort, are pictured at an ATT summit in New York City.
Romane Dicko and Diljeet Taylor, both members of Athlete Think Tank’s third cohort, are pictured at an ATT summit in Laguna Beach, Calif.
Tunde Oyeneyin and Oksana Masters, both members of Athlete Think Tank’s third cohort, are pictured at an ATT summit in Australia.
Coaches Jenny Lang Ping, Diljeet Taylor, Dawn Staley and Emma Hayes, all members of Athlete Think Tank’s third cohort, are pictured at an ATT summit in New York City
Jenny Lang Ping and Angela Manuel-Davis, both Athlete Think Tank members, are pictured at an ATT summit in Laguna Beach, Calif.
Members of the third Athlete Think Tank cohort Oksana Masters, Romane Dicko, Laurie Hernandez, Kiki Rice, Emma Hayes, Diljeet Taylor and Yulimar Rojas are pictured from left at an ATT summit in New York City. A Nike employee stands third from left.