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  • 2024/7/30

Nike 运动员乔丹·切尔斯 (Jordan Chiles) 率美国女子体操队夺得女子团体决赛金牌,展现出雄厚实力和鲜明风格。

从 1992 年开始,卫冕冠军美国队在每一届奥运会上都能斩获团体赛奖牌。 她们在东京盛会上拿下了银牌。 

Nike 运动员乔丹·切尔斯率美国队夺得金牌。她参加了跳马、高低杠、平衡木和地板练习四个项目的比赛,并凭借嘻哈风表演取得了 13.966 的惊人成绩。 乔丹·切尔斯今年 23 岁,她带着焕然一新的信心和决心开始新的一年。 在 2024 年巴黎盛会开始前,乔丹告诉 Nike:“在我的心里和脑海里,这场比赛是东京盛会的延续,我对这次的巴黎盛会充满信心。 记住自信的感觉,坚持到底。‘这就是我’,我要和队友一起向全世界展现自己的风采。”


Jordan Chiles stands with Team USA Women’s Gymnastics. The team wears matching white outfits and holds bouquets of white and blue flowers. A red and white Team USA signs sits behind them, and the floor is covered with shiny red, white and blue streamers.
A close up of Jordan Chiles of Team USA Women’s Gymnastics taken while she is in competition. She looks to the left of camera and wears the Team USA one piece in red, white, and blue. She presses her chalk covered hands together in front of her chest.
A black and white photograph of Jordan Chiles of Team USA Women’s Gymnastics taken while she's in competition on the balance beam. With a full crowd behind her, she lifts her knee and looks to her right.
Black and white photo of Jordan Chiles of Team USA Women’s Gymnastics taken while in competition during the floor exercise. She crosses her leg as she moves on the mat, and raises her left hand above her shoulder. She smiles towards the camera.
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