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  • 2024/7/17
Back view of athlete wearing Women's Medal Ceremony Jacket in the exclusive bright blue Team USA colorway.  USA is emblazoned on the back of the jacket in iridescent silver letters. She stands against a dark background.


  • 在今夏的体育盛事来临之际,美国队的每位成员都将获得专属 Nike 运动员装备包,内含全套服装、鞋履及配件。
  • 运动员会收到 USA Elite EasyOn 双肩包、运动内衣、背心、T恤、连帽衫、轻便型夹克、短裤、长裤、帽子以及鞋类——包括 Nike Air Max DN、Nike Pegasus EasyOn、Nike Air Max 1 和 Nike Calm 拖鞋。 
  • Medal Ceremony 系列专为不同能力、性别及体型的运动员量身打造,采用优质面料,融合燕尾服设计元素,致敬荣耀时刻,彰显非凡风采。


美国队的每位成员都将获得专属 Nike 运动员装备包,内含全套服装、鞋履及配件,助力他们在巴黎自如应对每个改写赛局的瞬间——无论是训练、恢复、接受媒体采访,还是在领奖台上为国争光,都能全情投入。

Nike 设计师在打造这款系列产品时,优先考虑舒适性和多样性。 所有运动员都会收到 Nike 运动员装备包,内含各式各样的单品,让他们能够自由搭配,打造独特造型,整个夏天都以时尚姿态展现自我。 运动员会收到 USA Elite EasyOn 双肩包、运动内衣、背心、T恤、连帽衫、轻便型夹克、短裤、长裤、帽子以及鞋类——包括 Nike Air Max DnNike Pegasus EasyOn、Nike Air Max 1 和 Nike Calm 拖鞋。 

在打造 Nike 美国队 Medal Ceremony 系列时,Nike 执着追求贴合度、功能性与穿着感受,旨在为运动员打造一款易于穿搭、包容性强且环保的时尚装扮,助力其登上领奖台接受荣耀加冕。

美国队霹雳舞运动员桑尼·乔伊说道:“我有幸在今年初的活动中首次穿着 Medal Ceremony 系列亮相。尽管这一系列专为全球体育盛事中的荣耀时刻而设计,但穿上它,我既感舒适又尽显时尚风范。” 

Medal Ceremony 系列专为不同能力、性别及体型的运动员量身打造,采用优质面料,融合燕尾服设计元素,致敬荣耀时刻,彰显非凡风采。 该系列与 Nike Air Max Dn 专属美国队配色相得益彰,包含全长拉链夹克与锥形剪裁长裤,其面料及装饰细节均由回收多余材料研发制成,应用于整个系列。 Medal Ceremony 系列采用柔软且具有弹性的梭织材料,提升灵活性;搭配 Dri-FIT 内里,确保透气性;拉链与侧开衩处巧妙融入磁扣设计,开合自如,便捷非凡。 

在设计过程中,我们特别考虑了坐着参赛运动员的需求,比如将口袋位置提高、大腿处增加第二个口袋开口,以及增强透气性。同时,对于装有假肢的运动员,我们设计了加长腿部透气口搭配拉链,便于穿脱。 此外,采用粘合袖口防止磨损,立体衣袖设计增加活动范围,以及弹性腰带提升舒适度。 

下载下方 PDF 文件,浏览美国队全套服装、鞋履及配件,并查看图片库,探索更多 Medal Ceremony 系列细节。 

  • Nike 运动员女子装备包
  • Nike 运动员男子装备包

美国队 Nike Medal Ceremony 系列

Side view of a female athlete wearing the Women's Medal Ceremony Jacket in the exclusive Team USA bright blue colorway. A USA flag patch is sewn into the upper arm, and the jacket has a silver iridescent Swoosh. The athlete stands against a dark grey background.
Full body view of a female para-athlete wearing the Women's Medal Ceremony Jacket, Pant, and Nike Air Max Dn footwear, all in the exclusive bright blue Team USA colorway. The athlete stands on a white floor against a grey background.
Side view of a female para-athlete, who is wearing the Women's Medal Ceremony Jacket and Pant, in the exclusive bright blue Team USA colorway.  The athlete has a black prosthetic hand and she stands against a grey background.
Front view of the upper body of a female para-athlete, who wears the bright blue Women's Medal Ceremony Jacket open, showcasing a white Nike Swoosh Sports Bra. The Team USA Paralympic logo appears on the right shoulder of the jacket. The athlete also wears the Women's Medal Ceremony Pant, and she stands against a dark background.
A male athlete wears the Men's Medal Ceremony Jacket and Pant in the exclusive bright blue Team USA colorway. A silver iridescent Nike Swoosh and the Team USA Olympic logo appear on the shoulders of the jacket. He holds his hands behind his back, as he stands against a dark background.
Back view of athlete wearing Women's Medal Ceremony Jacket in the exclusive bright blue Team USA colorway.  USA is emblazoned on the back of the jacket in iridescent silver letters. She stands against a dark background.
Back, waist-down view of a male athlete wearing the Men's Medal Ceremony Pant in the exclusive bright blue Team USA colorway. He wears white socks with the Team USA Nike Air Max Dn footwear. The athletes stands on a white floor against a dark grey background.
Back view of the full body of a male athlete wearing the Men's Medal Ceremony Jacket and Pant in the exclusive bright blue Team USA colorway. The back of the jacket features USA in iridescent silver letters. The athlete stands on a white floor in the Team USA colorway of the Nike Air Max Dn, against a dark background.
Side view of the upper body of a female athlete, who wears the bright blue Women's Medal Ceremony Jacket open, showcasing a white Nike Swoosh Sports Bra. An inspirational message for Team USA athletes is sewn inside the jacket on the lower left.  The athlete also wears the Women's Medal Ceremony Pant, and she stands with a hand on her hip against a dark background.
Side view of a male athlete wearing the Men's Medal Ceremony Pant in the exclusive bright blue Team USA colorway. He has a white Nike tee tucked into the pant, while he stands with hands linked behind his back against a dark background.
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