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  • 2024/8/3

Nike 運動員鄭欽文第一次參加奧運就充分駕馭賽事,在女子單打決賽中奪得金牌。

這位 21 歲的選手表示:「我的隊友經常說我懷抱著滿腔熱血。」 「我必須知道如何利用這股氣勢來對抗對手而不是自己。 我總是用正面的方式來表達我的好勝心, 唯有如此,我才能挑戰排名比我更高的選手。」

今年稍早,她在 2024 年澳洲網球公開賽上首度進入大滿貫決賽,成為繼 2014 年李娜之後,第一位進入決賽的中國人。 這創下了她的職業生涯新高,她的國際女子網球協會單打排名攀升至世界 第 7 名,三年前她僅排名第 630 位。 鄭欽文表示:「我必須走出去為我們的夢想而戰。在內心深處,我一直相信自己能做得更好,只需要放手一搏。」  

鄭欽文是 「Boundless Girls」計畫的支持者,此計畫由 Nike 與中國鄉村發展基金會攜手推動,致力於在中國 透過運動的力量,激發女孩的潛力。 此計畫已造福 700 所學校中的 16 萬名女孩。 鄭欽文希望自己成為新生代運動員的啟發,同時向過往的運動員致敬。 

她最近參加了 Athlete Imagined Revolution 孵化器,這是菁英運動員與 Nike 設計師及創新者之間的共同開發過程,運用先進技術創造 Nike Air 的未來。 她的設計原型充滿未來感,並從中國農曆龍年汲取靈感,採用蜿蜒結構。 

Nike 運動員:鄭欽文

Black and white close up photo of Qinwen Zheng holding a tennis racquet over her shoulder with both hands. She wears a black NikeCourt Victory tank with a white Swoosh.
Black and white close up photo of Qinwen Zheng, wearing the NikeCourt Victory Tennis Tank in black. She looks across the tennis court and holds her hand in a fist.
Black and white close up of Qinwen Zheng holding her tennis racquet near her face. Her hair is pulled up into a high ponytail and she looks to the left.
Black and white close up of Qinwen Zheng holding her tennis racquet close to her face as she looks left. The photo is matched with a headline reading, "There's only one souvenir I want from Paris.", alongside a large black Swoosh.
Video loop of Qinwen Zheng raising her eyes, potentially before a serve. Her face is framed on a blue background.
Full body view of Qinwen Zheng as she swings her tennis racquet, hovering in the air above a blue court. Qinwen wears the NikeCourt Victory tank in white, a white tennis skirt, and white court shoes with a black outlined Swoosh. There is a blur effect on the photo indicating the speed of her movement.
Close up of Qinwen Zheng as she holds her racquet in front of her, prepared to receive a serve. She wears a white NikeCourt Victory white tanks and her hair is pulled up in a ponytail.
Front view of Qinwen Zheng directly facing the camera, while she holds her tennis racquet in front of her, prepared to receive a serve. She wears a white NikeCourt Victory tank with a black Swoosh, white tennis skirt, and white wristbands. She stands against a black background.
Horizontal poster format. On the left side is a bold red headline stating, "Winning is always the answer.", with a quote from Qinwen describing her competitive spirit, and an infographic that shows her winning record, highlighting her win at Roland Garros in red. On the right side of the poster, there is a black and white close up of Qinwen Zheng holding a tennis racquet over her shoulder with both hands. She wears a black NikeCourt Victory tank with a white Swoosh.
Vertical poster layout, featuring a bold red headline that states, "Winning is always the answer."  Within the headline there is a black and white close up of Qinwen Zheng holding a tennis racquet over her shoulder with both hands. She wears a black NikeCourt Victory tank with a white Swoosh. Below the headline, sits a quote from Qinwen speaking to her competitive spirit, and an infographic showing her winning record and highlighting her win at Roland Garros in red.
Square poster format. On the left side is a bold red headline stating, "Winning is always the answer.", with a quote from Qinwen describing her competitive spirit, and an infographic that shows her winning record, highlighting her win at Roland Garros in red. On the right side of the poster, there is a black and white close up of Qinwen Zheng holding a tennis racquet over her shoulder with both hands. She wears a black NikeCourt Victory tank with a white Swoosh.
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