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Nike 以運動員為中心,在巴黎打造運動員之家

  • 2024/7/26
A front view into the entryway of the Nike Athlete House in Paris, France.  A dramatic flower display with a gold Swoosh hangs above a lounge space with green walls. 2 chairs are upholstered with black fabrics with white Swooshes. A white sofa holds a rust colored pillow with a white Swoosh. There is white cabinetry and high tables with barstools flanking the room.


  • 今年夏天,Nike 以高規格的 Nike 運動員之家,即專門用於備賽、慶祝、休息和恢復的全方位空間,為巴黎的 Nike 運動員提供支持。
  • Nike 運動員之家滿足運動員的一切所需,力助他們發揮巔峰表現,提供包括物理治療和恢復等服務;理髮、化妝、美甲和貼牙鑽預約的專門服務站;與家人一起放鬆的空間;以及他們可以為世上最大舞台微調自己風格的區域。
  • Nike 運動員之家是 Nike 傾聽運動員聲音的最新例證,為選手在賽場內外想要和需要的服務提供支持。 這個空間強調本品牌持續致力於重新定義運動員合作關係的模式,並延續以運動員為中心的精神。

今年夏天,運動員們已準備好在巴黎實現他們的夢想,而 Nike 也為支持每一場勝利做好萬全準備。 而該承諾的基石就是 Nike 運動員之家,這是用於讓數百名參賽的 Nike 運動員備賽、慶祝、休息和恢復的專屬空間。

Nike 運動員之家以科學實證和運動員分析為後盾,為運動員帶來全方位服務:提供物理治療和恢復服務的快閃 Nike Sport Research Lab;提供理髮、美妝、美甲和貼牙鑽預約的自我展現空間,方便運動員打理個人造型;與家人一同放鬆、用餐和休息的寧靜場所;以及運動員可以隨心打造和微調登上最大舞台造型的專用區域。 這包括運用 Nike 最新的獨家人工智慧 (AI) 工具。 運動員可透過數位平板在程式中輸入如「Swoosh」、「花」、「現代藝術」等指令,就能立即取得絕無僅有的客製化圖案,還可選擇現場印製在 Nike 服飾上,而且只需幾分鐘即可完成。 Nike 今年稍早將一種 人工智慧工具 用於與頂尖運動員合作的 A.I.R. 設計計畫中。

為了在重要時刻為運動員提供服務和支持,Nike 也在巴黎為運動員提供專門的服飾服務,在有需要時協助他們修改和調整制服。

Nike 全球女性運動行銷副總裁 Tanya Hvizdak 表示:「我們在 Nike 的存在是為了服務運動員,無論是在日常生活中,還是在他們最重大的運動時刻。 位於巴黎的運動員之家直接反映了運動員向我們回饋的當下所需,即他們可以運用業界一流服務來休息、恢復和備賽的專屬空間。」

Nike 運動員之家是 Nike 傾聽運動員聲音的最新例證,用選手想要和需要的方式,為他們提供在賽場內外的支持。 這樣的支持包括 Nike 運動員智庫等為運動員量身打造的計畫,這讓本品牌能夠直接聽取頂尖女性運動員的意見,並利用這些見解來獲取產品資訊,同時改善 Nike 支持各種年齡層女性運動的方式。 而這也反映在本品牌鼓勵運動員展現自我,並傾聽運動員心聲來為 Nike 活動提供資訊的模式。

每項努力都更強化 Nike 更遠大的承諾:透過深入傾聽、全方位服務運動員,以及合作來重新定義運動員合作關係的模式,用運動創造正向變化。

參閱下方圖片,一窺巴黎 Nike 運動員之家的內部詳情。

Nike 以運動員為中心,在巴黎打造運動員之家

A front view into the entryway of the Nike Athlete House in Paris, France.  A dramatic flower display with a gold Swoosh hangs above a lounge space with green walls. 2 chairs are upholstered with black fabrics with white Swooshes. A white sofa holds a rust colored pillow with a white Swoosh. There is white cabinetry and high tables with barstools flanking the room.
Overhead view into the entryway of the Nike Athlete House in Paris, France.  A dramatic flower display hangs above a lounge space with green walls. 2 chairs are upholstered with black fabric with white Swooshes. A white sofa holds a rust colored pillow with a white Swoosh. There is white cabinetry and high tables with barstools flanking the room.
View into the recovery space at the Nike Athlete House in Paris, France. We see a white sofa positioned on a boldly patterned black and white rug. There is a selection of Hyperice vests and boots, as well as massage spaces. White curtained walls surround the area.
View of the styling bays in the Nike Athlete House in Paris, France. Leather barber chairs with a gold AH logo sit on top of a polished wood floor, in front of gold mirrors and white styling stations. The room is brightly lit with natural light.
View of the Legends' Coffee bar at the Nike Athlete House in Paris, France. Bright orange and white walls surround the coffee bar, which has a shiny orange counter top. Two silver espresso machines hold stacks of orange coffee cups. Behind the bar are black and white photos of sports lengends.
View into the AI customization space at the Nike Athlete House in Paris, France. To the right, there is a large orange wall with the AH logo. The orange customization stations sit on top of a polished wood floor, and we see customization screens and heat press units ready to be used.
Situated on top of a black background, we see a spectrum of example of the AI-generated designs athletes can create and use to customize Nike apparel. The designs include customized Swooshes, the word PARIS, and Nike logos.
Back view of a white hoodie that has been customized in the AI space in the Nike Athlete House. A large, colorful JUST DO IT screenprint appears on the back of the sweatshirt, while the sleeves display a small orange footwear box and a scripted Nike logo. The hoodie sits on top of a repeating AH logo background.
View into the Jacquemus Station at the Nike Athlete House in Paris, France.  We see the Nike X Jaquemus men's and women's track suits on white mannequins. Nike x Jacquemus short sleeve tees in Univserity red and black hang on a bar to the right. A curved white counter holds the Nike x Jacquemus Air Max 1 Sneaker in white. Fitting rooms can be seen in the background.
View of the shopping area in the Nike Athletes House in Paris, France. A spectrum of Nike apparel and backpacks are displayed on a silver and white shelving system. The display sits on a polished wood floor and against a wall with a repeating AH logo pattern.
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