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Nike 與龐畢度中心攜手合作,在巴黎舉辦前衛運動慶典

  • 2024/7/13
The transformed Nike Au Centre Pompidou’s iconic façade features a canvas that showcases groundbreaking stories of sport. Screen features repeating image of Eliud Kipchoge on bright red and yellow colors, which pops out against the cityscape and a cloudy blue Paris sky.


  • Nike 與巴黎最著名的地標之一龐畢度中心合作,頌揚同樣深具創新歷史的運動與文化。
  • Nike 將於 7 月 24 日舉辦「Art of Victory」(勝利之藝) 展覽,在近 40 年前為 Air Max 1 前衛設計帶來靈感的地點,慶祝 Nike Air 無盡創新之旅。
  • Nike 會將龐畢度中心經典的建築物外牆改造成一塊畫布,在巴黎代表性戶外空間之一,呈現深具開創性的體壇故事,並為眾人舉辦一系列的運動體驗活動。

今年夏天,世界頂尖運動員齊聚巴黎,Nike 很高興能與這座城市最著名的地標之一合作,一同頌揚同樣深具創新歷史的運動與文化。

Nike 將於 7 月 24 日在龐畢度中心舉辦「Art of Victory」(勝利之藝) 展覽,在近 40 年前為 Air Max 1 前衛設計帶來靈感的地點,慶祝 Nike Air 無盡創新之旅。 除了展覽之外,Nike 也會將龐畢度中心經典的建築物外牆改造成一塊畫布,在巴黎代表性戶外空間之一,呈現深具開創性的體壇故事,並為眾人舉辦一系列的運動體驗活動。

Tinker Hatfield 認為,正是龐畢度內外翻轉的建築物為自己帶來靈感啟發,打造出融入 Air Max 1 的可見式 Air 緩震技術。他表示:「對我來說,這次聯手合作所要傳達的意義是,有好的點子,就著手進行,大膽實現。 放手去做,勇敢冒險。 至少帶有些許顛覆性,讓大家注意到你在做什麼。 我認為這棟建築物和 Air Max 1 都是如此。 技術很重要,然而,能引起眾人關注的,是大膽無畏的行動以及具備顛覆性。」 

在龐畢度中心外,Nike 沉浸式體驗將在建築物的外牆上透過大膽的呈現,讓觀眾探索深具開創性的體壇故事。這個展出讓人回想起 2017 年 Nike 於龐畢度中心為 Air Max 1 舉行的 30 週年慶。 

同時,公共滑板雕塑「Cycloïde Piazza」(2024 年) 也將邀請大眾以全新的方式與藝術互動。這個雕塑由法國藝術家 Raphael Zarka 和建築師 Jean-Benoît Vétillard 聯手設計,並由龐畢度中心在 Nike 的支持下委託製作。


「Art of Victory」(勝利之藝) 展覽將於 7 月 24 日至 8 月 11 日在巴黎市中心的龐畢度中心舉行。 請前往 Paris.nike.com 註冊,以便查看展覽,並進一步瞭解龐畢度中心外舉行的活動計畫。 這段期間 26 歲以下人士可免費參觀龐畢度中心的展覽和永久收藏。


自 1977 年起,龐畢度中心便為不同的觀眾持續推出豐富的計畫,展現多元的藝術形式。 這個中心的經典建築是全球現代和當代藝術最大型的收藏館之一,同時也推出展覽、研討會、節慶、表演節目、光影藝術,以及為年輕人開設的工作坊,成為獨一無二的機構,深根於這座城市,向全世界開放,並擁抱創新。

如需更多資訊,請造訪 centrepompidou.fr

Nike 與龐畢度中心合作在巴黎舉辦大膽的運動慶典

The transformed Nike Au Centre Pompidou’s iconic façade features a canvas that showcases groundbreaking stories of sport. Screen features repeating image of Eliud Kipchoge on bright red and yellow colors, which pops out against the cityscape and a cloudy blue Paris sky.
Promotional poster for Nike Au Centre Pompidou Art of Victory Exhibit, Volt green words against the Electric pattern background, orange with black/blue speckled spots.
Promotional graphic combines three images. On the left, Sha'Carri Richardson looks determinedly to the right in a black running tank. In the center, black lettering reads Nike Au Centre Pompidou, Art of Victory. On the right, an innovative track spike featuring Air technology floats. All elements sit against an Electric pattern background, orange with blue/black speckled spots.
The Cycloid Piazza skate park, designed by Raphael Zarka, sits in front of the Nike Au Centre Pompidou in Paris, France.
Entrance to the Gallery 4, Art of Victory exhibit, inside the Nike Au Centre Pompidou in Paris, France. Footwear is displayed on grey walls, backlit with white lights. A Nike Swoosh and the word AIR is emblazoned on the floor.
Inside of Gallery 4, Art of Victory exhibity, within the Nike Au Centre Pompidou in Paris, France. Grey walls, backlit with white lighting, display Air units and Nike footwear featuring Air technology. A glowing orange door leads to another exhibit room.
Detail view of a wall within the Art of Victory exhibit in Gallery 4 of the Nike Au Centre Pompidou, located in Paris, France. The glowing orange wall showcases the words Art of Victory in bold, black lettering along with a black Nike Swoosh.
Inside of Gallery 4, within the Nike Au Centre Pompidou, there are a dozen glowing white display cabinets showcasing innovative Nike footwear featuring Air technology. Images of Sha'Carri Richardson in different phases of a sprint, appear on 3 walls of the room.
Inside of Gallery 4, within the Nike Au Centre Pompidou, there are a dozen glowing white display cabinets showcasing Innovative footwear designs featuring Air technology. All products are white with a black Nike Swoosh, and Air units are in bright orange. On the 3 walls, we see blown up photos of innovative designs floating against a white background.
Detail view of the glowing display cabinets inside of Gallery 4, Nike Au Centre Pompidou. A single footwear design sits above each glass cabinet, with other footwear and Air technology elements displayed inside. All product is white with black Swoosh, featuring bright orange Air units. The wall behind the cabinets showcases a large image of an innovative design with a bright orange Air unit spiraled completely around the shoe.
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