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Kylian Mbappé 為 Nike 的「Victory Mode」巡迴活動揭開序幕,點燃青少年的體育熱情

  • 2024/5/5
Front view of Kylian Mbappe, walking down the center of a stage that looks like track lanes. Runners in Nike product give him high fives as they pass. Mbappe is in black Nike tee, jacket and pants, and is smiling at the runners as they pass.
Front view of Kylian Mbappe, walking down the center of a stage that looks like track lanes. Runners in Nike product give him high fives as they pass. Mbappe is in black Nike tee, jacket and pants, and is smiling at the runners as they pass.


  • 傳奇足球員 Kylian Mbappé 和他的個人基金會 IBKM 在巴黎的 Nike House of Innovation 前為年輕運動員舉辦了一場複合運動會,揭開了 Nike「Victory Mode」巡迴活動的序幕。
  • 2000 多名青少年在香榭麗舍大道參與跑步、霹靂舞、網球、足球和籃球挑戰賽。
  • 在整個春夏季期間,Nike 還將在大巴黎地區舉辦 6 場 Victory Mode 活動,鼓勵青少年透過運動充分發揮自己的潛力。

Nike 與傳奇足球員 Kylian Mbappé 及其同名基金會 Inspired By Kylian Mbappé foundation 攜手合作,在巴黎為數千名青少年舉辦了運動日,揭開了一系列活動的序幕,鼓勵青少年透過運動充分發揮自身潛力。

5 月 5 日星期日,2000 多名青少年在香榭麗舍大道極具代表性的 Nike House of Innovation 前齊聚一堂,與他們心中的偶像一起參加個人跑步、霹靂舞、網球、足球和籃球挑戰賽。

Nike 大使 Kylian 表示:「一年前我就想和我的基金會一起在全世界最美麗的大道上為 2024 名青少年舉辦一場運動挑戰賽。」 「今天我很高興地宣布,我們做到了。非常感謝 Nike 的大力支持,我們擁有共同的價值觀和抱負,那就是透過運動來鼓勵青少年充分發揮自己的潛力。」

此次活動是 Nike「Victory Mode」巡迴活動的第一階段,該巡迴活動給予法蘭西島的青少年們探索新運動的機會,讓他們參與激勵人心的挑戰賽。

下一站將於 5 月 18 日在 Nanterre 舉行,慶祝籃球員 Victor Wembanyama 帶著佳績光榮回到法國。 6 月和 7 月還將在大巴黎地區舉行 5 場活動,並於 8 月 11 日在龐畢度中心舉辦壓軸閉幕式。

Kylian 表示:「和這些年輕人一樣,那些偉大的冠軍運動員也激勵著我。」 「他們鼓勵我不斷突破極限,登峰造極。這就是 Victory Mode 求勝精神。 今日,我很自豪能將這些價值觀傳遞給新生代運動員。」

Victory Mode 活動由 Nike 與在法國的過往合作夥伴 Golden Blocks 聯手舉辦,歡迎所有人參加。 參加者可透過 Nike Paris 應用程式和 nike.com 報名。

Kylian Mbappé 為 Nike 的「Victory Mode」巡迴活動揭開序幕,點燃青少年的體育熱情

Front view of Kylian Mbappe, walking down the center of a stage that looks like track lanes. Runners in Nike product give him high fives as they pass. Mbappe is in black Nike tee, jacket and pants, and is smiling at the runners as they pass.
Front view of Kylian Mbappe, and his brother, Ethan Mbappe, as they stand next to a large mirrored Swoosh. Kylian wears black Nike tee, jacket and pants with orange footwear.  Ethan wears a red fleece hoodie and pants with black footwear. Both smile towards the camera.
Kylian and Ethan Mbappe pose with two girls, who are holding #10 French World Cup jerseys in bright blue. They are standing on an orange court in front of the House of Innovation in Paris at the Victory Mode event.
Kylian and Ethan Mbappe pose with a young athlete in a wheelchair, while other young athletes look on at the Victory Mode event in Paris, France.
Front view of Kylian Mbappe, wearing a black Nike tee and jacket, smiling as he holds a tennis racket in front of a crowd of kids at the Victory Mode event in front of the Nike House of Innovation in Paris, France.
Front view of Kylian Mbappe wearing a black Nike tee, jacket, and pants, while walking between 2 runners on an orange stage at the Victory Mode event in Paris, France. A crowd surrounds the activity on the stage.
Back view of Kylian Mbappe, as he faces a crowd of kids at the Victory Mode event in Paris, France. The energized crowd is smiling and capturing photos of Mbappe. In the background are bright orange statues of kids doing sport.
Front view of Kylian Mbappe juggling an orange Nike football on a red platform in front of a crowd of young athletes and photographers at the Victory Mode event in Paris, France.
Front view of a girl in a black Victory Mode event tee shirt running down the orange track, receiving a high five from an onlooker.
Front angled view of a girl in a black Victory Mode event tee shirt running down the orange track, as another young athlete snaps a picture on her phone. There is a crowd of kids in the background, waiting to run.
Back view of a young athlete kick an orange football during a football challenge at the Victory Mode event in Paris, France.  She stands on a bright orange court, with photographers and event helpers nearby.
Back view of two young boys dressed in French football kits, including bright blue #10 jerseys, looking at a bright orange statue of Kylian Mbappe dribbling a football.
Front view of a young athlete kicking a bright orange soccer ball with great energy. His body twists as he strikes the ball in front of a crowd of onlookers.
A side view of a young boy juggling a bright orange football on a red surface that has a strikezone grapic printed on it. The boy has a big smile as a crowd looks on.
Back view of a young athlete wearing a black Victory Mode tee using a bright orange tennis racket to participate in the Tennis Challenge at the Victory Mode event in Paris, France.  A crowd looks on as he aims at orange and black targets.
Front view of a pavilion of bright orange statues depicting athletes doing different sports, at the Victory Mode event in Paris, France. Statues are surrounded by orange pillars and blue, white, and orange banners.
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