• ニュースルーム


  • 2024/8/3


「私の中には炎があると、チームメイトによく言われます」と、21歳の彼女は言います。 「自分の中の炎を、自らではなく相手に向ける方法を知ることが大切です。 私は、競争心をとてもポジティブに使っています。 そうしないと、自分より上の選手に挑むことはできません」

2024年の全豪オープンで初のグランドスラム決勝進出を果たした鄭欽文ですが、これは2014年に中国人初のファイナリストとなった李娜以来の快挙となります。 今回の優勝は自己最高記録であり、女子テニス協会によるシングルスの世界ランキングも、 これで3年前の630位から7位へと大きく上昇しました。 「私たちは夢を叶えるために戦いに出なければならない。私はいつももっと良くなれると内心で信じてやってきた。ただそれを実行するのみだった」と、欽文は言います。  

欽文は、Nikeと中国地方発展基金会(China Foundation for Rural Development)が共同で作り上げた、 「Boundless Girls」プログラムのサポーターでもあります。このプログラムでは、中国国内においてスポーツの力で女の子の 可能性を飛躍させることに注力し、 これまでに700の学校で16万人を超える女の子を支援してきました。 欽文は、次世代のアスリートにインスピレーションを与える存在になれることを期待しつつ、これまで出会った人たちに感謝の意を込めています。 

彼女は最近、 A.I.R.(アスリートが想像する改革) にインキュベーターとして参加しました。これは、エリートアスリートとNikeのデザイナーおよびイノベーターによる共創プロセスで、最新のテクノロジーを駆使してNike Airの未来を作ることを目的としています。 欽文の未来的なプロトタイプでは、中国の太陰暦の龍年にインスパイアされた蛇行構造を取り入れています。 


Black and white close up photo of Qinwen Zheng holding a tennis racquet over her shoulder with both hands. She wears a black NikeCourt Victory tank with a white Swoosh.
Black and white close up photo of Qinwen Zheng, wearing the NikeCourt Victory Tennis Tank in black. She looks across the tennis court and holds her hand in a fist.
Black and white close up of Qinwen Zheng holding her tennis racquet near her face. Her hair is pulled up into a high ponytail and she looks to the left.
Black and white close up of Qinwen Zheng holding her tennis racquet close to her face as she looks left. The photo is matched with a headline reading, "There's only one souvenir I want from Paris.", alongside a large black Swoosh.
Video loop of Qinwen Zheng raising her eyes, potentially before a serve. Her face is framed on a blue background.
Full body view of Qinwen Zheng as she swings her tennis racquet, hovering in the air above a blue court. Qinwen wears the NikeCourt Victory tank in white, a white tennis skirt, and white court shoes with a black outlined Swoosh. There is a blur effect on the photo indicating the speed of her movement.
Close up of Qinwen Zheng as she holds her racquet in front of her, prepared to receive a serve. She wears a white NikeCourt Victory white tanks and her hair is pulled up in a ponytail.
Front view of Qinwen Zheng directly facing the camera, while she holds her tennis racquet in front of her, prepared to receive a serve. She wears a white NikeCourt Victory tank with a black Swoosh, white tennis skirt, and white wristbands. She stands against a black background.
Horizontal poster format. On the left side is a bold red headline stating, "Winning is always the answer.", with a quote from Qinwen describing her competitive spirit, and an infographic that shows her winning record, highlighting her win at Roland Garros in red. On the right side of the poster, there is a black and white close up of Qinwen Zheng holding a tennis racquet over her shoulder with both hands. She wears a black NikeCourt Victory tank with a white Swoosh.
Vertical poster layout, featuring a bold red headline that states, "Winning is always the answer."  Within the headline there is a black and white close up of Qinwen Zheng holding a tennis racquet over her shoulder with both hands. She wears a black NikeCourt Victory tank with a white Swoosh. Below the headline, sits a quote from Qinwen speaking to her competitive spirit, and an infographic showing her winning record and highlighting her win at Roland Garros in red.
Square poster format. On the left side is a bold red headline stating, "Winning is always the answer.", with a quote from Qinwen describing her competitive spirit, and an infographic that shows her winning record, highlighting her win at Roland Garros in red. On the right side of the poster, there is a black and white close up of Qinwen Zheng holding a tennis racquet over her shoulder with both hands. She wears a black NikeCourt Victory tank with a white Swoosh.
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