How a Marathon Can Turn a Life Around

  • September 06, 2024

Jian Zihao — or Uzi, as the world knows him — was an Esports legend, amassing a 10-year champion’s career by the time he was 23 years old. But in 2021, Uzi was forced to retire because of health issues; he was suffering from diabetes, heart rate issues, and obesity. Having joined the Nike family in 2022, the Swoosh asked Uzi if he was up to train for a 10K running challenge.

Uzi said no.

If he was going to change his health, his life, he was going to go all in, he told Nike. “The key word to me is challenge,” he says. “If I’m going to run, let’s do a full marathon.”

Take a behind-the-scene's look at Uzi’s journey with Nike to running a marathon during the summer of sport in Paris.

Uzi's Journey to Completing a Marathon