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How Breaker Sunny Choi Preps for a Battle

  • August 07, 2024
Sunny Choi does a one-handed handstand breakdancing move on a rooftop in Paris, France. Sunny wears black pants and a cream colored top from the Nike Sportswear collection, plus white Nike socks. The Paris city-scape with a bright blue sky is in the background.

Sunny Choi was climbing the corporate ladder when she heard that breaking would be an event at the world’s biggest stage in sports. After years of upholding society’s standards of what a successful life looks like, the 35-year-old former high school gymnast knew she needed to take a chance on finding more joy and fulfillment from a sport built on creative spontaneity.

In this audio excerpt from our Nike On Air episode with Womanica, Sunny describes exactly what it feels like to be in the heat of a breaking battle — and why sometimes the best strategy is no strategy at all.

Nike On Air Sunny Choi Excerpt
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Womanica Podcast tile card, featuring a black and white collage of female icons with a blue womanica logo, wordmark, and writing details.

To hear the full interview with Sunny — and learn about breakers’ style, how they battle, and what kids can get from the sport — check out her Womanica podcast on AppleSpotifyYouTube or wherever you get your podcasts.

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