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Nike Athena 和 Nike Zeus 太陽眼鏡為運動員創造競爭優勢

  • 2024/7/24
Front angled view of the Nike Athena (top) and Nike Zeus (bottom) sunglasses. Glasses sit on a white polished surface reflecting the glasses shadow. Both sunglasses are orange in hue with mirrored lenses that wrap the face.


  • Nike 打造了品牌迄今最前衛的眼鏡:Nike Athena 和 Nike Zeus。 這些太陽眼鏡適合在比賽前後佩戴,打造強健的心理素質。
  • Nike Athena 採用從鏡片包覆至鏡腳的鏡面設計,彰顯不對稱的個人風格。
  • Nike Zeus 採用緊貼臉部的類口罩設計,靈感源自傳統穴位和 Nike 堅持不懈的追求:「疾速」造型。
  • Nike Athena 和 Nike Zeus 將於 7 月 24 日在 Nike 數位平台全球上市推出。

時尚有型, 舒適好戴, 發揮巔峰競技表現。

這正是 Nike Athena 和 Nike Zeus 太陽眼鏡所秉持的理念,適合在比賽前後佩戴,打造強健的心理素質, 不論是提供保護,還是主動出擊。

Nike 創新長 John Hoke 表示:「我們最初專注於打造適合比賽的設計,然而,根據運動員提供的深度見解,他們在比賽前後都需要擁有心理上的優勢。 對這些運動員來說,擁有百分百專注不分心的能力,可以完全進入狀態,非常關鍵。」

不分性別且未來感十足的 Nike Athena 和 Nike Zeus 太陽眼鏡將這樣的深度見解化為尖端設計,讓運動員從競爭中脫穎而出,同時也彰顯自我個性。 這些款式將為運動員服務的數位藝術帶入全新等級,提升 Nike 的美學境界,並為運動的未來提供充滿對比張力的想像。

Nike Athena 採用從鏡片包覆至鏡腳的鏡面設計,並綴有 Nike Electric Pack 圖樣,彰顯不對稱的個人風格。 以無螺絲的超音波接合技術和不鏽鋼鏡腳打造出輕量鏡框,使鏡片遠離臉部,有助避免有時因太陽眼鏡太近而造成的「睫毛碰撞」。

Nike Zeus 採用科技感十足的稜角外觀。 這款設計的靈感源自傳統穴位和 Nike 堅持不懈的追求──「疾速」造型,將五個半透明元素懸掛在以手工打造的超輕盈鈦金屬鏡框上。 Nike Zeus 採用緊貼臉部的類口罩設計,以 Nike Windshield Elite 360​​ 的創新透氣技術為基礎,搭配精密的凹槽沖孔設計,可增加氣流,幫助消除鼻子和顴骨周圍的熱氣,並為眼睛部位排出熱氣。

這兩款設計皆採用 Nike Max Extreme 鏡片,在田徑場上和道路表面上都能提高光學清晰度,並減緩眼睛疲勞。 此外,這兩款太陽眼鏡也都採用再生材質。Nike Athena 的再生材質占總重量至少 40%,Nike Zeus 至少 20%。

Nike Athena 和 Nike Zeus 眼鏡將於 7 月 24 日在 Nike 數位平台全球上市推出。

Nike Athena 和 Nike Zeus 太陽眼鏡

Front angled view of the Nike Athena (top) and Nike Zeus (bottom) sunglasses. Glasses sit on a white polished surface reflecting the glasses shadow. Both sunglasses are orange in hue with mirrored lenses that wrap the face.
Front angled view of the Nike Athena (bottom) and Nike Zeus (top) sunglasses. Glasses sit on a white polished surface reflecting the glasses shadow. Both sunglasses are orange in hue with mirrored lenses that wrap the face.
Front view of Nike Zeus sunglasses, which is mask-like. Lenses are iridescent orange and wrap around. The lens continues over the bridge of the nose and the iridescent orange fades to yellow and then to blue and purple. Glasses float on a white background.
Side view of the Nike Zeus sunglasses, showcasing the wrapping orange lenses, fluted perforations on nose, and the titanium frame. Translucent orange lenses over the eyes shifts to transluscent green and blue over the nose. Glasses float on a white background.
Detail view of Nike Zeus sunglasses focuses showcasing fluted perforations on the nose and cheekbone area. Translucent orange lenses shift to translucent green and blue over the nose. The glass frame is angular and dark titanium in color. Glasses float on a white background.
Front angled view of the Nike Athena sunglasses, showcasing the wrapping asymmetrical mirrored orange lens with Electric graphic at the temples. Electric graphic is a pattern of brown/black speckled spots.   Glasses float on a white background.
Front view of Nike Athena sunglasses highlighting the asymmetrical nature of the mirrored orange glass lens that wraps from front to the temple. Electric grpahic appears at the temples, which is a pattern of brown/black speckled spots. Glasses float on a white background.
Side view of the Nike Athena sunglasses, showcasing the wrapping asymmetrical mirrored orange lens with Electric graphic at the temples. Electric graphic is a pattern of brown/black speckled spots.   Glasses float on a white background.
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