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美國女子籃球隊贏得第 10 面奧運金牌

  • 2024/8/11

美國女籃國家隊今天在巴黎決賽中艱苦奮戰,以些微分差勝出,連續第八次奪下奧運金牌,總共贏得 10 面金牌。 

球隊名單包含八名 WNBA 冠軍隊球員、三名 WNBA MVP 和五名 WNBA 年度最佳新秀,美國隊始終以贏得金牌為目標。

主攻球員是後衛 Diana Taurasi,她自 2004 年加入美國隊以來贏得了六面奧運金牌。 Diana 表示:「有些人成為贏家是有原因的,他們有獲勝心態,每天把這樣的心態帶進更衣室和健身房。」 

Nike 簽名款運動員 A'ja Wilson 與 Taurasi 和隊友 Brittney Griner 一起贏得世界錦標賽金牌、奧運金牌、NCAA 冠軍和 WNBA 冠軍,只有 12 位球員締造這般成就。A'ja 的場均表現為 18.2 分、9.6 個籃板和 2.2 次助攻。 A'ja 表示:「在奧運比賽中,你每天只想拿下勝利。 金牌是有形的物品,讓你知道我得到這項殊榮。 但是在短暫的場上時間獲勝、那些練習日和奮鬥,比贏得金牌還要困難十倍。」

奧運首次參賽者、Nike 簽名款運動員 Sabrina Ionescu 在所有六場比賽中擔任先發控球後衛,場均貢獻 6.6 分、1.8 個籃板和 3.4 次助攻,成功贏得她的第一面奧運獎牌。 Sabrina 表示:「無論我做什麼,我都想要贏。 不惜一切,只為奪勝。」 

A'ja 和 Sabrina 都是 Nike 運動員智庫的一員。多位具有影響力的運動員透過這個智庫發聲,Nike 則積極聆聽並從中學習,藉此支持女孩和女性運動、為打造創新產品提供參照資訊,以及創造有實質助益的體驗。


Black and white close up of Aja Wilson, looking back at the camera over her shoulder.
Black and white photo of Aja Wilson wearing her Team USA basketball jersey. She looks down fiercely at the camera.
Horizontal poster format. On the left, a black and white photo of Aja Wilson looking directly at the camera. On the right, a headline reads, "I love winning for my haters." appearing in black against a red background.
Video look of Aja Wilson saying "Nah" and shooing away a competitor on the court. She wears a red Team USA basketball jersey.
Black and white full body image of Sabrina Ionescu celebrating on the basketball court. She wears her Team USA uniform and her hair is flying out behind her.
Black and white portrait of Sabrina Ionescu in the Sabrina reversible basketball jacket. She looks directly at the camera with her arms crossed.
Horizontal poster format. On the left is a black and white image of Sabrina Ionescu celebrating in her Team USA jersey. On the right, a headline reads, "I'm single-minded. The only thing on my mind is gold." appearing in white letters on a blue background.
Diana Taurasi holds her hands high, with six fingers raised, signaling her 6 gold medals. Diana wears a read Team USA jersey, and a crowd looks on behind her.
Horizontal poster format. A black and white photo of Diana Tuarasi holding her hands high is layered with red headlines reading, "Can't spell dynasty without DT." and "44 - 0".
Vertical poster layout, featuring a black and white close up of Diana Tuarasi wearing the Team USA basketball jersey. Her face is flanked by red headlines reading, "Can't spell dynasty without DT." and "44 - 0"
Square poster format. A black and white close up of Diana Tuarasi in her Team USA basketball jersey is layered with red headlines reading, "Can't spell dynasty without DT." and "44-0"
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