
  • 2024/7/29

Nike 運動員堀米雄斗憑著令人驚嘆的最終絕技——反豚跳 270 度鼻尖滑板,從第七名上升至第一名,今天在巴黎捧回他的第二枚國際綜合型體育大賽金牌。 這位 25 歲的日本滑板運動員先前曾於 2021 年,在他的家鄉贏得首屆男子街頭賽冠軍。

堀米雄斗從 2016 年開始成為 Nike 運動員。 「在滑板運動中,沒有對錯之分;但我會渴望尋找正確的做法是什麼。 我認為這沒有答案。」堀米雄斗表示 「但是我相信,對自己抱持信心時,就能實現夢想。信任自己是最重要的,要有信心相信自己。」 

Nike 運動員:堀米雄斗

Yuto Horigome jumps a stair rail on his skateboard, wearing olive green pants and a black tee shirt. The concrete steps underneath are wet, and there is a building in the background. His trick is lit up in the dark, and there is a glimpse of the night sky.
Yuto Horigome jumps a chained off stairwell on his skateoard. He wears black pants, a maroon hoodie, and black Nike cap, with grey and white Nike SB Dunks. The stairs are white cement against a granite wall.