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Jakob Ingebrigtsen 勇奪 5,000 公尺金牌

  • 2024/8/10

Nike 運動員 Jakob Ingebrigtsen 今日在 5,000 公尺比賽中以 13:13.66 的成績奪得金牌。 這是他繼 2021 年東京 1,500 公尺比賽奪冠之後獲得的第二枚金牌。

「我滿腦子只想著贏, 贏是最重要的事,這是我一直在追尋的目標。」這位挪威中長跑者如此表示。 「想要獲得勝利,就必須在腦海中描繪出自己成為頂尖的畫面。我必須看到自己超越對手,如此一來才能贏得比賽。」 

他在 16 歲時寫下歷史紀錄,成為在 4 分鐘內跑完 1,600 公尺的最年輕跑者。 Jakob 在此之後不斷創造紀錄,其中包括以不到 8 分鐘的速度跑完 3,200 公尺,世界上只有一位跑者能與之匹敵。 現在,23 歲的他是 1,600 公尺和 5,000 公尺賽事的世界級飛毛腿。

Jakob 將自己獲得成功 的部分原因歸功於想要超越他的兩個哥哥 Henrik 和 Filip。 他說:「小時候,當我說希望自己可以像哥哥一樣時,就是在說『我想贏過他們』。」 「很奇妙的是,獲得成功時,我們都覺得自己是彼此在這過程中的一部分。」

Ingebrigtsen 三兄弟作為配速員參與了 Eliud Kipchoge 的 Breaking2 傳奇。Jakob 表示:「看到和他一起展開訓練的運動員所具備的程度,真的是讓人眼界大開。」 「最終,我們都有相同的目標:看看人類在不同距離的跑程上,能飆出多快的速度。 我們為這項榮譽彼此競爭,但也因這樣的競爭而團結一心。」

Nike 運動員:Jakob Ingebrigtsen

Black and white photo of Jacob Ingebrigtsen holding up his arm, celebrating his number 1 result. There is a crowd in the stadium behind him.
Black and white close up photo of Jacob Ingebrigtsen's face. His face is partly covered in shadow, as he looks unsmiling directly at the camera.
Black and white side profile of Jacob Ingebrigtsen. He stands, looking right, in a running singlet with his hands on his hips.
Horizontal poster format. On the left is a black and white photo of Jacob Ingebrigtsen holding his arm up, celebrating his number 1 finish. On the right is the headline, "I don't want first. I want first ever." in bright green.
Close up of Jacob Ingebrigtsen at a track event, alongside another competitor.  Jacob wears a gold Nike running singlet and there is a crowd in the background.
Close up of Jacob Ingrebrigtsen in a gold Nike running singlet.
Video loop of Jacob Ingebrigtsen raising his arms to pump up the crowd during a race.
Video loop of Jacob Ingebritgsen looking back as he passes a competitor during a race.
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