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  • 2024/7/17
Back view of athlete wearing Women's Medal Ceremony Jacket in the exclusive bright blue Team USA colorway.  USA is emblazoned on the back of the jacket in iridescent silver letters. She stands against a dark background.
Back view of athlete wearing Women's Medal Ceremony Jacket in the exclusive bright blue Team USA colorway.  USA is emblazoned on the back of the jacket in iridescent silver letters. She stands against a dark background.


  • 今夏重大運動時刻來臨之前,每位美國國家隊的成員都將收到專屬的 Nike 運動員裝備包,內含服飾、鞋款和配件。
  • 運動員會收到 USA Elite EasyOn 背包、運動內衣、背心上衣、T 恤、連帽上衣、輕量外套、短褲、長褲、帽子和鞋款──包括 Nike Air Max DN、Nike Pegasus EasyOn、Nike Air Max 1 和 Nike Calm 拖鞋。 
  • Medal Ceremony 系列專為各種程度、性別和體型的人設計,採用高級材質和燕尾服造型,向重要時刻致敬。


美國國家隊的每位成員都將收到一個專屬的 Nike 運動員裝備包,內含服飾、鞋款和配件,不管他們在巴黎進行訓練、恢復、媒體採訪,還是在頒獎台上代表自己的國家/地區,每個比賽關鍵時刻都能為他們提供支援。

Nike 設計師在打造該系列時優先考量舒適性和多元性。 所有運動員都會收到包含各式各樣單品的 Nike 運動員裝備包,如此一來,他們就可以打造獨特造型,在整個夏天以時尚的穿著風格表達自我。 運動員會收到 USA Elite EasyOn 背包、運動內衣、背心上衣、T 恤、連帽上衣、輕量外套、短褲、長褲、帽子和鞋款──包括 Nike Air Max DnNike Pegasus EasyOn、Nike Air Max 1 和 Nike Calm 拖鞋。 

Nike 藉由對貼合度、機能與著感的執著,設計出 Nike Team USA Medal Ceremony 系列,為運動員打造易於穿搭、具共融性與永續性的造型,在頒獎台接受表揚。

「我有幸在今年初的活動中首次穿著 Medal Ceremony 系列亮相。 雖然這套服裝的設計用意是為了在重大國際運動時刻穿著,但我覺得穿起來既舒適又時髦。」美國隊霹靂舞運動員 Sunny Choi 如此說道。

Medal Ceremony 系列專為各種程度、性別和體型的人設計,採用高級材質和燕尾服造型,向重要時刻致敬。 此系列會與 Team USA 專屬的 Nike Air Max Dn 配色搭配穿著;本系列的全長式拉鍊外套和窄管長褲,選用的材質與各處的飾邊,都是由剩餘材料回收研發而成。 Medal Ceremony 系列採用柔軟彈性的梭織材質製成,讓活動更自如;Dri-FIT 內裡有助透氣;拉鍊處的磁性配件與側邊開衩設計,方便開合穿脫。 

我們的設計特別考慮到坐著的運動員,例如口袋位置較高、大腿處具有第二個口袋入口以及加強透氣,並考量到使用義肢的運動員,例如褲管加長開衩搭配拉鍊,以便穿脫。 此外,還有可防止磨損的俐落袖口,順應身形的衣袖剪裁可加強活動幅度,以及舒適感升級的彈性褲腰。 

下載以下的 PDF 文件瀏覽美國國家隊的全套服飾、鞋款和配件,並查看圖庫,探索 更多 Medal Ceremony 系列。

  • Nike 運動員女款裝備包
  • Nike 運動員男款裝備包

Team USA Nike Medal Ceremony 系列

Side view of a female athlete wearing the Women's Medal Ceremony Jacket in the exclusive Team USA bright blue colorway. A USA flag patch is sewn into the upper arm, and the jacket has a silver iridescent Swoosh. The athlete stands against a dark grey background.
Full body view of a female para-athlete wearing the Women's Medal Ceremony Jacket, Pant, and Nike Air Max Dn footwear, all in the exclusive bright blue Team USA colorway. The athlete stands on a white floor against a grey background.
Side view of a female para-athlete, who is wearing the Women's Medal Ceremony Jacket and Pant, in the exclusive bright blue Team USA colorway.  The athlete has a black prosthetic hand and she stands against a grey background.
Front view of the upper body of a female para-athlete, who wears the bright blue Women's Medal Ceremony Jacket open, showcasing a white Nike Swoosh Sports Bra. The Team USA Paralympic logo appears on the right shoulder of the jacket. The athlete also wears the Women's Medal Ceremony Pant, and she stands against a dark background.
A male athlete wears the Men's Medal Ceremony Jacket and Pant in the exclusive bright blue Team USA colorway. A silver iridescent Nike Swoosh and the Team USA Olympic logo appear on the shoulders of the jacket. He holds his hands behind his back, as he stands against a dark background.
Back view of athlete wearing Women's Medal Ceremony Jacket in the exclusive bright blue Team USA colorway.  USA is emblazoned on the back of the jacket in iridescent silver letters. She stands against a dark background.
Back, waist-down view of a male athlete wearing the Men's Medal Ceremony Pant in the exclusive bright blue Team USA colorway. He wears white socks with the Team USA Nike Air Max Dn footwear. The athletes stands on a white floor against a dark grey background.
Back view of the full body of a male athlete wearing the Men's Medal Ceremony Jacket and Pant in the exclusive bright blue Team USA colorway. The back of the jacket features USA in iridescent silver letters. The athlete stands on a white floor in the Team USA colorway of the Nike Air Max Dn, against a dark background.
Side view of the upper body of a female athlete, who wears the bright blue Women's Medal Ceremony Jacket open, showcasing a white Nike Swoosh Sports Bra. An inspirational message for Team USA athletes is sewn inside the jacket on the lower left.  The athlete also wears the Women's Medal Ceremony Pant, and she stands with a hand on her hip against a dark background.
Side view of a male athlete wearing the Men's Medal Ceremony Pant in the exclusive bright blue Team USA colorway. He has a white Nike tee tucked into the pant, while he stands with hands linked behind his back against a dark background.
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