ALESSANDRA Tell me about a training session. What's the vibe?
KIRSTY Well. It always starts with caffeine and enthusiasm. We take care of the body with activation, foam rolling. And then she'll go through a really impressive cardio warm-up that's not for the faint-hearted. We do it all. We do strength. We do Pilates-based stuff. We do running, we do high intensity, we do conditioning, we stretch. Recovery is much better when you have a well-rounded training plan. But I think the most important thing is our training sessions are so focused because Kaia is so diligent. I only have to tell her something once and then that's it, she knows it. So we can get through so much work because she's so present in that hour. That allows us to absolutely maximise that time and get the most out of whatever she needs in the session.
KAIA What I've noticed with the work that I've been doing with KG is that it applies to so many different parts of my life. I see the benefits across so many different areas.
KIRSTY It's funny. I think mentally, too, we're wired the same way. We have the same drive. We are both bad about boundaries and different things.
KAIA We both give too much. But I also think I was, you know, from a very young age in an industry that is very look orientated. And so working with KG has helped change my relationship to physical activity and strength. You might have a specific way you thought that you would want to look, but it's not the way that you feel the best. Sometimes we set these standards on ourselves that are not actually healthy.
KIRSTY When we first met, one of the first things you said to me was, I want to feel strong. And I thought it was really cool, because I think you were 20 at the time. Not many 20-year-olds would. People are like, oh, I want to look like this.
KAIA I spent so many years thinking I want to look like this, that by the time we met, I was ready to just feel good. Like, I think I would like to feel now. [laughs] I'd like to feel healthy.
KIRSTY That's the thing, too, with fitness in general. You hear people talk about it all the time, how do you want to look? I always ask people, how do you feel today? Because if you tell me how you feel, that's a better barometer. I always tell people, yo, you can have the best body of your life. But if you never see it that way and you don't feel connected with yourself, it doesn't matter, it's for nothing.