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Cheung Ka Long vuelve a ganar el oro

  • 29/7/2024

El esgrimidor y atleta de Nike Cheung Ka Long se ha llevado a casa su segunda medalla de oro olímpica representando a Hong Kong en la categoría de florete individual masculino tras una final repleta de tensión. El atleta ganó su primera medalla de oro en los juegos de Tokio.

La filosofía de Ka Long de "no perder el foco" le ayuda a recordar por qué empezó a practicar esgrima: para disfrutar del deporte y divertirse.

El esgrimidor creció en una familia de deportistas, ya que tanto su padre como su madre jugaron en la liga nacional de baloncesto de Hong Kong, y él empezó con la esgrima en cuarto de primaria. En 2017 se convirtió en atleta de Nike y ganó el campeonato mundial junior. Más tarde, a principios de 2022, ganó el campeonato mundial y el gran premio.

Ka Long comenta que, de pequeño, cuando perdía, a veces lloraba y se ponía muy triste. "Pero mis padres siempre me decían que, aunque perdiese, se lo pusiera difícil a mi oponente. Si me iban ganando siempre pensaba en eso. Si quieres vencerme, te lo voy a poner difícil. Y, al final, acabé ganando yo".

Atleta Nike: Cheung Ka Long

Cheung Ka Long holds his fencing foil upwards in front of his face, while looking directly at the camera. We see only the top half of his body, and he is wearing the NOCTA Northstar Nylon Track Jacket in Oil Green. There is a bright blue sky behind him, and glimpses of a couple of buildings.
Full body portrait of Cheung Ka Long as he strides across a white background. He wears oversized black pants with red ties, a black short-sleeve zip up shirt, black Nike footwear, and black gloves with a reflective Swoosh on the back of the hand.
Side view portrait of Cheung Ka Long, facing to the left. His face is framed against a white background, and he wears a black jacket.  His face glows in the light, while his neck and ear is in shadow.
Upper body portrait of Cheung Ka Long. He faces the camera, but looks downwards, and lighting highlights the left side of his face. He wears a black zippered jacket and is framed by a white background.
Cheung Ka Long walks up stone steps, in front of large stone pillars. He is wearing the Nike ACG "Smith Summit" all over print pants, with black Air Max DN footwear, and an olive green jacket. He wears Nike eyewear with wrapping lenses and a bold black frame. He looks off to the right.
Full body view of Cheung Ka Long, leaning against the base of a large stone pillar. He wears the Nike ACG "Smith Summit" pant in an all over green camo print, black Air Max DN footwear, and a black Nike ACG Dri-FIT UV "Devastation Trail" shirt, with a white tee peeking out from underneath. Long wears Nike glasses with a wrapping lens and black frames. In the background we can see a glimpse of european buildings with green doors.
Full body portrait of Cheung Ka Long, crouching in front of large stone pillars.  He is wearing a pair of Air Max DN shoes, Nike ACG "Smith Summit" pants with a green all-over camo print, and a black Nike ACG Dri-FIT UV "Devastation Trail" long sleeve shirt. Long looks directly at the camera, wearing a pair of Nike glasses with wrapping lenses and bold black frames.
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